The court of Adjudicating officer Rajouri (Additional Deputy Commissioner), Sher Singh imposed a fine of Rs 1,14000 on seven firms/trading units for not following the prescribed norms under Food safety and standard Act.
A team of officials constituted on directions of DDC Rajouri shri Mohammad Aijaz Asad inspected various outlets in the district wherein they found substandard services and consumables in unhygienic condition being provided to the people. Consequently, the erring traders were booked and summoned before the ADC, who is also the adjudicating officer imposed fine under various sections of Food Safety & Standard Act.The defaulters brands on whom the fine has been imposed includes Haldiram ₹40000,Gokul Refined oil,₹40000,Milk and but toffees ,20000 etc.The whole fine imposed recovered onspot and deposited in the Government treasury.
It is pertinent to mention here that during inspection the team had lifted the samples and sent for quality check at Public Health Laboratory Jammu. The report of PHL concludes that the quality of the lifted items was in not conformity with the standard fixed by the Government.To refrain the manufacturer like Haldirams, Gokul oil and Milk and nut all reputed brands to sell the sub standard material,the Adjudicating officer imposed fine on them.Moreover the Gokul oil brand has been banned in the district Rajouri.The manufacturer Haldiram was imposed fine under section 52 of FSSA as misbranded while the Gokul oil was imposed fine under section 51 of FSSA as sub standard.
Meanwhile a spokesperson of District administration Rajouri has said that such sample testing of various consumables shall continue so that hygienic and pure edibles and products of best quality remain available in the market for public of District Rajouri.
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